The precious teachings of the Buddha brings happiness and bliss to all beings without exception. Dharma is a way accessible to all person who wish be free from suffering and gradually achieve enlightenment: a State of perfect and ultimate bliss.
Tibetan Buddhist Centre "Rinchen Pal" has the great luck to have the
of an unique and authentic
master ,
the Venerable Lama Konchog Tharchin Rinpoche, spiritual director of
the DRIKUNG KAGYU lineage in France but also great master of the NYINGMA
lineage. For the preservation of the precious and holy Dharma, Ven.
Tharchin Rinpoche began the construction of a school and a tibetan
monastery in Himachal Pradesh.
The construction of the edifice began in 2005.
For more informations, write at drikung.kagyu@online.fr
Tibetan Buddhist center "Drikung Kagyu Rinchen Pal": 19 Rue Eridan - 91100 VILLABE - France - Tel: 01 60 86 26 13
Association declared under the No. 20080041